Great night watching Lucid and Crossfire bands performed. Everybody seemed to have enjoyed the evening. For transparency purposes, the total amount collected for this fund-raising amounted to £2,377.24. 348 Tickets @ £5 totalled £1740 plus raffle sales of £170 and cash & cheque donations of £467.24. Some incurred expenses have been deducted: £400.- Shanklin Hire, £253.- Public liability insurance, £60.20 –Printing/Stamps/Advertising £45.00– Food/Drinks (plus £50 for remaining unpaid tickets). The remaining total collection has now been distributed to the four Filipino Island residents (Aloha Bueno Busby, Gerlie de la Cruz, Fidelina Travis, and Jelly Dechoza Bernaldez). These friend’s families have been severely affected by the said typhoon).
Sincere gratitude to all the generous raffle sponsors/donors:
1. Naturally Newborn
2. Cheap Thrills
3. Brian/Ching Absalom
4. Mimi Cass
5. Joveliet Tompong
6. Yan Woo Restaurant
7. Anonymous
8. Anonymous
9. Social Club-Neutrik
10. Anonymous
11. Anonymous
12. Anonymous
Thank you also to Chairman Ian Ward of the Isle of Wight Council for gracing the occasion and being our guest of honour. Most of all, I commend and salute these two bands really for putting up a great show for a worthy cause. Last but not the least, thanks to all those who came and supported this project!
NB -a full press release came out in the County Press dated 28 Feb. 2014 and facebook account.

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