Author Archives: admin
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Congratulations, your book “365 Days on the Isle of Wight, UK” is live in the Kindle Store and has been enrolled in KDP Select. It is available* for readers to purchase here.
Now on -365 Days on the Isle of Wight, UK book
Glad that my latest book, 365 Days on the Isle of Wight, UK is now on Dont forget to grab your electronic copy onto your kindle folks! Proud of this milestone!
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Loyalty to the Person
Webster dictionary defines the meaning of the word loyal as faithful. We often hear people talk about others behind their backs whether casually in jest or purely for fun sake. We may not mean what we say but the true essence of what we want to drive at – is to enjoy ridiculing people or making fun of them at their expense all too often without them being aware of it. Call it sense of humour if you may say it but in reality, we spread negative energy. It is injustice to the person absent before us and surely defenceless at any situation given point in time.
Perhaps this is part of human nature, which is for anyone to speak against one another whether good or bad. It may be patronising or judgmental but it definitely does not sound right. I am guilty of this too, so no one is spared at the moment. We all have our moments especially when we are feeling down and the person we want to talk about, has hurt us or caused us one way or the other – even at some point in time, really like kind of a personal injury. Some would also justify their reasons for doing so as a way to ventilate their emotions and speak up continuously maligning the persons who have hurt or annoyed them. No matter how difficult it may be, we have to have a share of the burden of others. In a way, we help the suffering humanity in our own mysterious or little ways if you know what I mean. But it does not help all the more if we talk further behind his or her back. It only adds fuel to the fire as they say. The negative vibe or energy does not bear fruit in itself, now or never will be in life.
But have you ever come across a person who loves to talk about other people most if not all the time? It seems like that fellow has nothing better to do but to malign others and elevate just himself or herself; what more than show he is politically correct all the time. There seems a never ending flow of back biting here and there. But the truth is, what goes around comes around as the well-known guru advocates. We may not know it but surely the time will come for a day to recompense. It may not be today or tomorrow but the stage will definitely take toll on that the person. He or she will be in for trouble no matter when comes a day of reckoning.
It does not mean to say you are the type of person who is confrontational, it just mean being a person of integrity. But you do not want to waste time on useless conversations that does not bear good fruit in itself. Or in plain simple terms, it means being loyal to the person you are present with. You speak to the person if need be about what you need to air out or if you have an issue that needs to be resolved or want some clarifications so that you end up having a win-win situation where both parties are happy in the end.
Yes, it truly wise to better confront the person if need be when there is a cause for us to do. It takes a lot of courage and strength to do it and the truth is, most people are not that kind of individuals who would be able to speak up and face the person courageously to face the challenge. But, we will be more appreciated if we are able to speak up amicably and say our piece with the right intentions at the right time and place of course. It may sound stupid or silly for some as they would not want to take risks because of fear of facing the music or being chastised or may perhaps be scared that it may even redound to them what they have talked about. And it may happen sometimes, we need to walk away and just keep the sacred moment. Be still as they say. Learn to be silent and treasure the sacredness of the present moment when we do not have to say anything. It will teach us perhaps to listen more not just to the voice of our within but also to the call of the given situation.
The moral of my story is again a plea not to add so much chaos in the world, bad enough with so many natural or man-made catastrophes. So as the famous song goes – let us help make the world a better place to live while we are still alive.
Thanks for making it happen one more time.
(From L to R Annie, Jocelyn, Cres, Mimi, Lynn, Allan, Rose, Jovi, Caroline and Jean,
Second Row Joshua, Fr. Anthony, Gerlie and Ces)
It was another manifestation being used as an instrument by the most authentic AUTHOR OF LIFE! It is indeed a confirmation that being an image of The Author, one becomes like Him; Therefore, I claim joy, peace, contentment, health, prosperity, calmness and most of all love.
(From L to R 3rd Row- Allan and Lynn
2nd Row- Caroline, Thomas, Claire, Jasmine,Mimi, Gerlie and Jovi, Cres, Viv, Ron and Colin
3rd Row- Paul, Gary, Ces, and Jean)
A supporter by affinity
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Most Recent Visit
Visiting CA, USA last July of this year, was very productive despite the quick hectic two weeks stay. Now, have even managed to let go this time. Animation worked both ways. Actually, every time you travel, there is a potential risk, yet you rise to the challenge with even far greater strength. Thanks to the many graces received but most of all, the responses to such.
The Philippines being compared to …..
The recent comments by the so called Dan Brown, author of the controversial well known books – Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons sparked controversy among most if not all Filipinos. I did not read his books as I do not find them relevant in my life. But having heard about this most controversial volume, I still do not intend to read this latest book of his. By the title, Inferno I have no plan whatsoever waste my time to browse even the book. I am convinced that it is important to discern what you read, see on TV or movies especially if they are not really worth reading or no value whatsoever in your daily life. Or even for mere entertainment sake, it should not even be considered as something of substance. Remember, it is our duty as decent human beings to enlighten our minds, hearts and wills with substantial knowledge and not read or watch stuff that can pollute our minds detrimental to our whole being most especially our spirits.
Going back, the comments Brown made comparing the Philippines to the gates of hell are partially true among them: ‘six hour traffic jams, suffocating pollutions, sex trade and extreme poverty.’ But there are other poor countries worse than ours. North Korea, Bangladesh, Turkey and even Pakistan were even found to be in the bottom three of the recent survey by BBC because of similar life situations. Also, in Mexico or and some similar poor areas in New York etc. Let’s face it – there is really extreme poverty in our country. Why because, the gap between the rich and poor is so high that it is really a big issue, finding the haves and haves not – getting more and bigger each day. Good enough, we have the Church who help and look after the poor by becoming their spokesman and support their cause as well as all the middle income families around the areas where they belong to who try their best to give in their own little ways.
Maybe we can also be grateful and look at it in a positive light! First and foremost, let us pray harder that all the Filipinos especially the politicians should do their part to contribute to the betterment of our society. The Philippines have great resources like the white beaches, ingenuity and cheap labour, awesome food cuisines and most of all; the Filipinos are generally happy living in their faith, hope and love despite the poverty and other problems besetting our poor country. We must not forget that at least, we contribute to the church militant and church suffering here on earth. Then we do our best amidst our struggles in life, with a happy disposition and positive stance in the different moments of our everyday existence. The important thing is the fact that we act and look at the positive side of things and not dwell on the negative. Even if it is actually within our grasps, we can make a difference if we get our acts together. All the more, the people see how we are doing their contribution in our own good behaviours each and every day of our lives. So brace yourselves and cheer up. It is not the end of the world. And finally let us salute to the slogan; it is more fun in the Philippines! We must all uphold this in our culture!
(This blog was used featured last Saturday, 3 August at the episode of word and songs… Kindly listen Word & Songs- ‘Looking at the Positive Side of Things’ at )
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